This MOD is a compilation of several other MODs, those being edited/altered versions of: Must have /dualblade to notice the effect. hilt2 -Changes the left (second) weapon. The default left hand weapon is the Katana.

dualsaber -you get the dual \'energy\' blades Type these into the console or bind them to other keys. Jedi+.pk3Ěltered version of JediPlus 3.3ĭRWeap.pk3 The Weapons, hilts and Energy Effects. If you don\'t want JKII:DR files to alter your single player game simply move them to the Gamedata/JMDR folder. The Jedi Knight II: Dragon Remix Game File is needed to play.

Check out the website for more details.Įxtract all files in the GAMEDATA folder. It includes mamy of the sword/meele weapon models released to the community. The Multiplayer Upgrade to JKII: Dragon Remix, based off of JediPLUS v3.3. Author : Covax, various others (see Source)